Want to Know More About: The Kavanaugh Hearing

George Stephanopoulos: “She Came In Fear. He Came In Anger. Now, Senators Must Decide Right There At The U.S. Capitol Who Do They Believe? How Will They Vote? Should Brett Kavanaugh Get A Lifetime Seat On The Supreme Court?” [Good Morning America, ABC, 9/28/18; VIDEO]

Terry Moran: “At Times It Felt Less Like A Senate Hearing Room Than Some Kind of Medieval Trial By Ordeal, And Began With The Moment The Country Was Waiting For. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford For The First Time Under Oath Speaking Publicly, Her Voice Trembling.” MORAN: “Washington is still shaken to its core by a wrenching day of testimony. There was so much raw human pain and at times it felt less like a senate hearing room than some kind of medieval trial by ordeal and began with the moment the country was waiting for. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford for the first time under oath speaking publicly, her voice trembling.” [Good Morning America, ABC, 9/28/18; VIDEO]

Mary Bruce: “What’s Clear This Morning Is That Republican Leaders Are Plowing Ahead, After A Late Night Huddle Here On The Hill, Top Republicans Emerged Standing Firmly By Judge Kavanaugh, But What Is Not Clear Is Whether Republicans Have Enough Votes To Get Him Confirmed.” [Good Morning America, ABC, 9/28/18; VIDEO]

Mary Bruce: “All Eyes Will Be On Jeff Flake, That Key Swing Vote Who Sits On The Committee. He Has Been Holding His Cards Very Closely, But Even If He Does Vote No And The Committee Gives Him An Unfavorable Recommendation, Judge Kavanaugh Could Still Be Confirmed By The Senate, But Robin, That Has Only Ever Happened Twice Before.” BRUCE: “The Senate Judiciary Committee is set to vote and make their recommendation on Kavanaugh in just a few hours, and all eyes will be on Jeff Flake, that key swing vote who sits on the committee. He has been holding his cards very closely, but even if he does vote no and the committee gives him an unfavorable recommendation, Judge Kavanaugh could still be confirmed by the senate, but Robin, that has only ever happened twice before.” [Good Morning America, ABC, 9/28/18; VIDEO]

Jonathan Karl: “TVs Throughout The White House Were Tuned To That Hearing, As They Were Across The Country. I’m Told The President Watched Virtually Every Minute Of The Hearing. At First The Mood Was Quite Gloomy Among The President’s Allies As They Listened To Christine Blasey Ford’s She Was Seen As Credible. She Was Seen As Forceful. That Changed As Brett Kavanaugh Came To The Stand And Told His Story.” KARL:” TVs throughout The White House were tuned to that hearing as they were across the country. I’m told the president watched virtually every minute of the hearing. At first the mood was quite gloomy among the president’s allies as they listened to Christine Blasey Ford’s she was seen as credible. She was seen as forceful. That changed as Brett Kavanaugh came to the stand and told his story. The president clearly liked what he saw. This is what he tweeted, ‘Judge Kavanaugh showed America exactly why I nominated him. His testimony was powerful, honest and riveting. Democrats’ search and destroy mission is disgraceful and this process has been a total sham and effort to delay, obstruct and resist. The senate must vote!’, and that is what the president is pushing for right now. A quick vote. What the president liked about this, not only did he forcefully defend himself, but he attacked the Democrats that were going after him. Michael, the challenge now, though, is that the president must convince a group of senators of which he doesn’t have much sway like Jeff flake, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, these are not senators he is particularly close with to say the least.” [Good Morning America, ABC, 9/28/18; VIDEO]

Ana Navarro: “There’s A Reason Why This Vote Is Happening In Two Hours, Because Every Day That Passes More Information Can Come Out.” NAVARRO: “There’s a reason why this vote is happening in two hours, because every day that passes more information can come out, like it did today about the July 1st calendar entry. More things like the catholic journal retracting their endorsement, and the American bar association saying let’s have an FBI investigation, and one more day closer to the elections.” [New Day, CNN, 9/28/18; VIDEO]

Alisyn Camerota: “What’s Wrong With More Information? How Can You Vote About Having More Information? I Don’t Understand How You Can Say, No, I Have Heard Enough.” CAMEROTA: “What’s wrong with more information? How can you vote about having more information? I don’t understand how you can say, no, I have heard enough. It was as confusing yesterday as possible in terms of both of them making credible cases, both of them seeming authentic. How can you not vote for more information?” [New Day, CNN, 9/28/18; VIDEO]


Willie Geist: “I Think When Senator Durbin Confronted [Kavanaugh] With The Question Of Why Not Have An FBI Investigation, Things Started To Unravel For Him.” JOE SCARBOROUGH: “There was a defining moment where sort of the guard dropped for Brett Kavanaugh and he got on the defensive and it just didn’t make sense.” WILLIE GEIST: “He was defensive and powerful in his opening statement, I think when senator Durbin confronted him with the question of why not have an FBI investigation, things started to unravel for him. If you look at his tone and posture after that, that’s when he made that snide comment to Sen Klobuchar, he went back and forth with senator Feinstein. He looked more than defensive at that point.”  JOE SCARBOROUGH: “It wasn’t a Perry Mason moment, but if these hearings had a Perry Mason moment, that was it. And it’s not going to change a single vote. The people that were going to vote for Kavanaugh before are going to vote for him after. I still don’t know who is telling the truth and who is not. Nobody does. But that was a moment where you just said it makes no sense that he and every Republican are afraid to have an FBI, they can talk about delay. It’s a week. The world knows what that is about. They don’t want the FBI to talk to mark judge.The whole world knows that and republicans treat Americans stupid when  they pretend it’s anything else other than that.” [Morning Joe, MSNBC, 9/28/18; VIDEO]

Joyce Vance: “What You Have To Do And What Prosecutors Do Is Begin To Weigh The Credibility Of All Of The Evidence. And The Key Problem Here Is We Don’t Have All The Evidence. We Have Not Had An FBI Investigation.” JOYCE VANCE: “The problem is there is not a definitive version of the truth at the end of the day. Neither side said I was wrong and you’re right. What you have to do and what prosecutors do is begin to weigh the credibility of all of the evidence. And the key problem here is we don’t have all the evidence. We have not had an FBI investigation. So I hold strongly against judge Kavanaugh the fact that he could never come out and call for an FBI investigation. It’s the logical thing to do.” [Morning Joe, MSNBC, 9/28/18; VIDEO]

Joe Scarborough: “Lindsey Graham Saying I Don’t Care What The Accusers Are Saying, We’re Going To Get This Vote. Really? They’re Really Saying That That Is The Investigation, That That Is As Good Of An Investigation As The FBI?” [Morning Joe, MSNBC, 9/28/18; VIDEO]

Kirsten Powers: “I Don’t Think It’s A Serious Thing Until There’s An FBI Investigation.” POWERS: “If you think she’s credible then you should at least want an FBI investigation to have an independent investigation of this and get to the bottom of it. You don’t have to say she’s credible and therefore it’s over. I don’t think it’s a serious thing until there’s an FBI investigation.” [New Day, CNN, 9/28/18; VIDEO]

Sen Amy Klobuchar: “When Facts Come Out We At Least Have The FBI Go And Check Them Out So That We Have The Evidence. They Cannot Create An Evidence Free Zone For The Highest Court Of The Land.” [Today, NBC, 9/28/18; VIDEO]


Susan Del Percio: “But [Kavanaugh] Also Lent Into That Partisan Conversation About Bringing Up Clinton And Donald Trump And That Is What Really Unsettled Me, Joe. That’s Where I Started To Feel This Person Is Angry And I Don’t Know If He Can Come Out Of It.” [Morning Joe, MSNBC, 9/28/18; VIDEO]

David Chalian: “He Bent Over Backwards To Try And Shed Himself Of The Partisan Past And He Embraced It Wholeheartedly Yesterday As Part Of His Anger, His Clear Anger, But Saying That You Guys Are Doing This Revenge Of The Clintons.” CHALIAN: “I was very surprised because his partisan past was such a part of the original confirmation hearings that Democrats were trying to get him on, and he bent over backwards to try and shed himself of the partisan past and he embraced it wholeheartedly yesterday as part of his anger, his clear anger, but saying that you guys are doing this revenge of the Clintons, I thought that I really surprising for somebody that may end up on the highest court in the land who wanted to engage in a partisan battle in addition to the other brawling to clear his name.” [New Day, CNN, 9/28/18; VIDEO]

John Berman: “The Yelling And Screaming And The Circus Was Brett Kavanaugh And Lindsey Graham.” BERMAN: “Who was doing the yelling and screaming? The two sides yesterday was a woman claiming she was sexually assaulted. Unless it’s wrong for a woman to come forward and say she was sexually assaulted and do it in front of the American people in the judiciary committee, that side was there. If you don’t believe her make that argument, but the yelling and screaming and the circus was Brett Kavanaugh and Lindsay graham.” [New Day, CNN, 9/28/18; VIDEO]

Laura Coates: “I Don’t Think He Is In Way Going To Be An Advocate On Behalf Of Those Who He Perceives Have Tried To Harm Him.” COATES: “He had gone to great lengths in his confirmation process to show that he would have a temperament that was fair and was going to be diplomatic and judicious. I don’t think he is in way going to be an advocate on behalf of those who he perceives have tried to harm him.”[New Day, CNN, 9/28/18; VIDEO]


Willie Geist: “The American Bar Association Last Night Which Strongly Supported Brett Kavanaugh, Unanimously Gave Its Strongest Rating, Said Pump The Brakes After It Was Done Yesterday, We Need An FBI Investigation Pulling Back Their Endorsement.” [Morning Joe, MSNBC, 9/28/18; VIDEO]

Terry Moran: “The American Bar Association, Which Had Given Judge Kavanaugh Its Highest Rating, Gold Standard, Now Calling For A Postponement Of Any Vote On His Nomination Until The FBI Investigates Dr. Ford’s Allegation And Others Against Kavanaugh.” MORAN: “There’s an important development overnight. The American Bar Association, which had given Judge Kavanaugh its highest rating, gold standard, now calling for a postponement of any vote on his nomination until the FBI investigates Dr. Ford’s allegation and others against Kavanaugh.” [Good Morning America, ABC, 9/28/18; VIDEO]

Gayle King: “The American Bar Association, Which Gave Kavanaugh Its Highest Rating, Called On The Senate To Put Its Vote On Hold Until The FBI Can Investigate The Allegations Of Abuse.” KING: “After the hearing ended, the American Bar association, which gave Kavanaugh its highest rating, called on the senate to put its vote on hold until the FBI can investigate the allegations of abuse. They say the supreme court nomination, ‘Is simply too important to rush to a vote.’” [This Morning, CBS, 9/28/18; VIDEO]


Dan Goldman: There’s Not A Single Criminal Investigation In America State Or Federal That, Where The First Step Would Not Be To Interview An Eyewitness To The Alleged Conduct.” DAN GOLDMAN: “There’s no question, I think, from everyone’s perspective it would be almost point to get someone else through before the election. I am not as naive to think that an FBI investigation would clear Brett Kavanaugh and I say that because there’s not a single criminal investigation in America state or federal that, where the first step would not be to interview an eyewitness to the alleged conduct.” [Morning Joe, MSNBC, 9/28/18; VIDEO]

Dan Goldman: “It’s So Obvious. And The Only Thing I Can Come Up With Is That There Is Something To Hide There. Mark Judge Was In That Room.” JOE SCARBOROUGH: “ Is it not painfully clear that avoiding the FBI investigation is about one thing, staying the hell away from mark judge. Keeping him away from investigators at any cost. DAN GOLDMAN: “You don’t have to be a prosecutor to recognize that. So that begs the question. Why? It’s so obvious. And the only thing I can come up with is that there is something to hide there. Mark Judge was in that room. Now it may to be try to preserve mark judge, but I don’t think they care about mark judge. So there’s something else that is there that they are worried about.” [Morning Joe, MSNBC, 9/28/18; VIDEO]

Joyce Vance: “And That’s The Risk That Mark Judge Will Come Back And Contradict Something That Brett Kavanaugh Said, He Didn’t Leave Himself A Lot Of Wiggle Room On These Issues. Whatever The Reason Is It’s A Credibility Factor.” [Morning Joe, MSNBC, 9/28/18; VIDEO]

Joyce Vance: “And [Kavanaugh] Kept Going Back To The Fact That, Well, I Called For A Hearing. A Hearing Is Not An Investigation. Mark Judge Is Still At The Beach.” [Morning Joe, MSNBC, 9/28/18; VIDEO]

Laura Coates On The Need For Other Witnesses: “You Have To Wonder Why If There Is Contrasting Certainty, One Person Saying Unequivocally Saying This Was Him And This Is What Happened, And Another Person Saying Unequivocal Saying This Was Not Me, You Need To Have Somebody There.” [New Day, CNN, 9/28/18; VIDEO]


Joyce Vance: “The Integrity Of The Court Will Be Called Into Question If He Was Confirmed Without A Process Where The American People Feel Like They Have A Better Answer Then They Had Yesterday.” JOYCE VANCE: “This is a man who will sit on the Supreme Court of the United States for decades. And as much as his personal integrity has been called into question in this process, the integrity of the court will be called into question if he was confirmed without a process where the American people feel like they have a better answer then they had yesterday.” [Morning Joe, MSNBC, 9/28/18; VIDEO]

Joe Scarborough: “This Guy Could Be On The Court Until 2050. 2050. And They Can’t Wait Four Days For An FBI Investigation So He Can Go On The Court Without A Cloud Over His Head?” JOE SCARBOROUGH: “It is the right thing to do. The American bar association who, again, strongly recommended Brett Kavanaugh, said just hold on. And, again, think about how preposterous it is that trump, McConnell, Graham, all of these men are saying we have to rush to a vote now. We have to move this as quickly as possible. This guy could be on the court until 2050. 2050. And they can’t wait four days for an FBI investigation so he can go on the court without a cloud over his head?” [Morning Joe, MSNBC, 9/28/18; VIDEO]

Terry Moran: “Overturning Roe V. Wade By An All-male Majority, Two Of Whom Have Had Credible Accusations Of Sexual Misconduct Against Them Would Not Be A Legitimate Action. And That Is The Question Of The Court. Legitimacy.” REPORTER: “Well, he had better take into that lifetime appointment a sense of the woundedness of so many people in the country, and factor that into his decisions. I mean, overturning roe versus wade by an all-male majority, two of whom have had credible accusations of sexual misconduct against them would not be a legitimate action. And that is the question of the court. Legitimacy. It has always had a high place in American, in the American popular opinion, and it could lose it if it loses legitimacy. [World News, ABC, 9/27/18; VIDEO]