What Democrats Want from NAFTA Retooling

Here’s what Democrats want from a rework of NAFTA:

Any new deal must raise wages, protect workers’ rights and freedoms, reduce outsourcing and put the interests of working families first.

Despite Trump’s claims, there is no new trade deal:

We have yet to see the details of the understanding reached between Trump and Mexico, provisions are still being negotiated, Canada has not even entered into negotiations, and the deal would still have to be approved by Congress before Trump can claim credit.

We have to wait and see the details, but if we have learned anything over the past two years it is that we cannot trust Trump to stand up for workers.

The American people — particularly workers — must be able to review any agreement Trump reaches to make sure it delivers and can be enforced in a way that protects workers and communities going forward.

Trump has no clear strategy and has given workers no confidence that he’s putting their interests first.