Will Roberts Reject Trump’s Legal Assault On Obamacare?

If you’re one of the 23.3 million Americans who depend on Obamacare for your survival, brace yourself for a looming disaster: In the midst of the deadly COVID-19 pandemic, President Trump is trying yet again to take away your health insurance, and this time he may succeed.

Having failed to persuade Congress to repeal Obamacare in 2017 (remember the historic “thumbs down” vote cast by John McCain), Trump now is asking the Supreme Court to reexamine the law, formally known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), and declare the entire statute unconstitutional in a new case—California v. Texas. The case, which began as a federal lawsuit filed by Texas and a group of other predominantly Republican-led states, has been added to the court’s docket for the 2020 term, which starts in October.

The Trump administration could have elected to defend Obamacare, but instead chose to join Texas in the litigation to destroy it. A coalition of Democratic-led states has intervened in the case to support Obamacare. Continue reading.