Yale psychiatrist: Donald Trump is driven by ‘insecurity and emptiness’ ⁠— and will continue to spiral out of control

AlterNet logoOn Wednesday, former Justice Department special counsel Robert Mueller will finally testifying before Congress about his findings regarding Donald Trump and his campaign’s apparent collusion with Russia during the 2016 presidential campaign, his extensive obstruction of justice and other alleged crimes.

Democrats in Congress may be hoping for some type of revelation that will further undermine Trump’s credibility with the American people and make it easier — or at least conceivable — to impeach Trump and remove him from office.

Republicans are hoping, on the other hand, that Mueller’s testimony is anticlimactic and adds no new information about the panoply of horrible things that are already publicly known about Trump and his authoritarian regime.

Regardless of today’s hearings the fact remains that Robert Mueller’s official report, even in redacted form, is damning.

Beyond clear and repeated examples of Trump’s obstruction justice and de facto collusion with Russia to undermine the 2016 presidential election, the Mueller report shows a president who is paranoid, a chronic liar, seriously detached from reality and in total mentally unwell.

View the complete July 24 article by Chauncey DeVega from Salon on the AlterNet website here.