#badvotes Paulsen Vote Tracker: H.R. 1180 Working Families Flexibility Act of 2017

SUMMARY:  Amends the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) to allow private-sector employees the option of selecting compensatory time off in lieu of cash for overtime wages. An employee will be able to choose, based upon a voluntary agreement with his or her employer, to have his or her overtime compensated with paid time off.

H.R. 1180 is an empty promise.  It is designed to look like it will help families but it will harm workers.  It gives employers more control over their employees’ time and money. If an employer asks an employee to take comp time instead of overtime – can they really refuse?  Probably not!

This bill gives employers the right to hold on to their employees overtime wages for months, while giving employees no guarantee that they will be able to take their “comp” time.  Under the Working Families Flexibility Act, if the worker’s request to use comp time is denied, there is no recourse. The worker would have to report to work, or risk being fired. Workers can request that the unused time be cashed out – but, even then, the employer would have up to 30 days to comply..  Also, there is no remedy available if an employer were to go bankrupt or shut down. The bill is now headed to the Senate for further consideration.

Paulsen voted:  YES

TAKEAWAY:  This bill should be renamed “Employer Flexibility Act.”  Of course Erik Paulsen voted for it.

Sources:  http://www.natlawreview.com/article/house-passes-working-families-flexibility-act; http://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/economy-budget/331395-working-families-need-higher-wages-and-guaranteed-time-to