Congressman, please hear us out, too.

I would like to thank U.S. Rep. Erik Paulsen for his editorial counterpoint on health policy changes in America (“My health care vote will put Minnesotans back in control,” May 9, responding to “A costly step back for U.S. health care,” May 7). As a cancer survivor (pre-existing condition) and self-employed person who buys health insurance on the individual market, I am following this issue very closely. I don’t agree with Paulsen’s vote in the House last week to “repeal and replace” major parts of the Affordable Care Act, but I appreciate getting some understanding of his reasoning. I fully agree with the sentiment in his closing paragraph: “At the same time, we must continue to have a thoughtful discussion on solutions that will provide high-quality, affordable health care coverage.” I respectfully submit that this is what Paulsen’s constituents have been requesting for years. I know many of his constituents — including fellow cancer survivors and caregivers — who are concerned and want desperately to have “thoughtful discussions” with him, but he will not hold town hall meetings. Please have real dialogue about this issue with your constituents in a truly open forum, congressman. It’s important, it’s serious, and your constituents deserve it.

Karen Laumb, St. Louis Park
Minneapolis Star Tribune, May 10, 2017