Constituents lose in the town call lottery

Tuesday, June 13, there was another Paulsen Town Call lottery in Minnesota’s Third Congressional District.

For years now Rep. Erik Paulsen claims to have had many town hall events. What most constituents would label a Town Hall — a public, in-person meeting with plenty of notice and no entrance fee — doesn’t seem to happen. As a lottery winner on Tuesday, you would have received an unexpected, dinner-time call from an unidentified caller. Thus, to really win, you must be both available and willing to pick up that call.

Earlier this year I left my number with Paulsen’s Eden Prairie office to increase my chances of getting a call. So far, indicating an interest hasn’t garnered a call. At that time I asked about a transcript, but was told they do not have that capability. The staff member I spoke with said ‘someone’ may be recording these calls so I could try a search online. To me that suggests Mr. Paulsen is checking off a box labelled Constituent Contact with no concern for quality, accuracy or real communication.

I request Mr. Paulsen and his staff take their constituent communication up a notch. My previous Congressman, Tom MacArthur (NJ-03), called 24 hours in advance with an invitation to his town calls. Mr. Paulsen should consider taking that extra step.  And please, post official recordings or transcripts because the majority of constituents lose the Paulsen town call lottery.

C R McIver, Plymouth
Plymouth Sun-Sailor, June 22, 2017