Democracy isn’t just about elections

To the Editor:

I cannot understand why everyone is not requesting that Congressman Erik Paulsen hold a live, interactive town hall meeting. The people have a right to ask why Paulson is supporting this travesty of a health care act. And he has a right to explain his vote and defend his action. Let’s talk and discuss as fellow Americans.

We are supposed to have government of the people, by the people, for the people. Congressman Paulson is supposed to represent we the people.

Surely, some order could be maintained by nonpartisan coordinators or monitors or even law enforcement. Democracy should be a dynamic process, not a one-time thing each election day. There are serious matters before us and this is only one of them.

Meanwhile, I urge everyone to consider signing the ongoing petition effort at (click on Health Care under Topics on the lower right) calling for action to strip members of Congress of their health care. Their vote should impact them as much as it impacts each of us.

Steve Chicoine, Eden Prairie
Eden Prairie News, May 27, 2017