GOP Sen. Tim Scott faces Twitter firestorm over gaslighting remarks about the severity of white supremacy

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Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) found himself at the center of controversy with his recent remarks arguing that “woke supremacy is as bad as white supremacy.” For the last two days, he has been slammed on social media and the critical reactions are still coming.

On Tuesday, March 9, the South Carolina lawmaker appeared on Fox News where he responded to MSNBC’s Joy Reid’s remarks suggesting Scott only served as “the patina of diversity” at the Republican Party’s recent press conference. Scott claimed, “Woke supremacy is as bad as white supremacy. We need to take that seriously.”

Scott’s remarks quickly became a point of contention on and off social media. As the reactions poured in, CNN’s Don Lemon fired back at him. The CNN news anchor began his argument with a recollection of the United States’ long, odious history of slavery as he noted how people “can be so ignorant.” Continue reading.