GOP Stands in Their Own Way on Health Care

While President Trump continues to display remarkable volte-face on health reform, 18 million American’s are at risk of experiencing another increase in their premiums.

The fate of the bipartisan health bill that sought to fund necessary cost-sharing payments for the individual market has likely been sealed, at least in the short-term. It would be all but impossible for Republican lawmakers to support the deal – let alone bring it up for a vote – without the president’s or Speaker Ryan’s endorsement. After flip-flopping his stance on the bill, President Trump won’t commit to anything but full repeal out of spite for President Obama.

While the GOP remains steadfast on playing party politics, Democrats remain willing and cooperative to work on necessary reforms. Republican’s are tasked with supporting Trump’s agenda or caring for American’s that need their help. All the while Minnesota and the rest of the nation face ramifications of three weeks without reconciliation on the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).