Health Care Premiums Increased 16% From Trump & Republican Sabotage

Trump and Republicans are lying to voters about their health care sabotage. According to a new analysis by the Kaiser Family Foundation, their sabotage of the Affordable Care Act has caused health care premiums for silver benchmark marketplace plans to be 16 percent higher than they would be otherwise.

Health care premiums for silver benchmark marketplace plans are 16% higher than they would have been without Trump and Republicans’ health care sabotage.

Kaiser Family Foundation: “Combined with estimates from the Congressional Budget Office, our analysis suggests the elimination of the cost-sharing subsidy and individual mandate penalty, as well as expansion of more loosely regulated plans, has caused on-exchange silver premiums to be 16% higher than would otherwise be the case.”

As many as 130 million Americans have a pre-existing condition and could lose their coverage if Trump and Republicans end the ACA’s protections.

Wall Street Journal: “About 130 million non-elderly people in the U.S. suffer from an existing medical condition, and a poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that 75% of voters consider it ‘very important’ that the ACA’s provision guaranteeing such coverage remains law.”

Despite this evidence, Trump and Republicans are lying to voters about their health care sabotage.

Trump on Thursday: “We’ve done a really good job with healthcare in bringing the premiums down to a much lower level — much more acceptable level.”

Trump on Wednesday: “Republicans will totally protect people with Pre-Existing Conditions.”

CNN: “Endangered Republican candidates are responding to health care-focused campaign attacks with falsehoods and obfuscations — with President Donald Trump leading the charge.”

Washington Post: “The misleading statement about the 2010 health care law, which passed with only Democratic votes, reflects a strategy that Republicans are hoping will pay off Nov. 6: Repeatedly tell voters that the GOP supports one of the ACA’s most popular provisions and hope they ignore or forget eight years of votes, rhetoric, legal efforts and bureaucratic moves to gut the law.”

NOTE:  Erik Paulsen voted to repeal the Affordable Care act a minimum of 70 times.  And, voted FOR the Republican bill that would have discontinued coverage for pre-existing conditions just last fall.