No Meaningful Comment from Rep. Paulsen

The following letter to the editor was submitted to the Minneapolis Star Tribune February 19, 2017, but not published:

This newspaper’s effort to solicit meaningful comment from Congressman Paulsen (February 17, A Taxing Challenge for Paulsen) was disappointing. It failed to substantively illuminate the congressman’s ‘big’ goals, challenge his misplaced loyalties, and contest his doublespeak. Most troubling though was allowing Paulsen to rewrite history.

The opening sentence states that ideal circumstances are at last in place for Paulsen “to finally accomplish the big goals that have driven his political career.” And his goals are … ? After 8 years, his district is still trying to learn what his ‘big goals’ are. His struggle with ‘juggling the polarizing priorities’ of the President, party loyalty, current roommate, and big businesses may generate sympathy, but not from constituents that he was elected to represent. Paulsen’s expressed support for “increased tariffs and border taxes” on one hand and support for free-trade policies on the other was doublespeak. The article failed to call him on this dichotomy. Dual positions may serve his multiple masters but not his district.

Finally, allowing the congressman to rewrite his position on health care reform was the most disappointing. Paulsen’s assertion that “he is adamantly opposed to repealing the ACA unless a replacement plan is in place” is just not true as evidenced by his approximately 60 votes to repeal or defund the ACA …without a replacement in hand!

Voters need the press to rigorously challenge the smoke and mirrors inherent in politics and hold our representatives to a high standard of content. Unfortunately, this article failed in that regard.

J Albers