Paul Ryan celebrated the tax cut with a tweet about a secretary saving $1.50 a week

The following article by Avi Selk was posted on the Washington Post website February 4, 2018:

House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) touted the new GOP tax reform law and outlined his party’s agenda ahead of the new year. (Reuters)

Never mind all the Democrats who call the GOP’s tax bill a deficit-busting giveaway to the rich; House Speaker Paul D. Ryan has been enthusiastically promoting it as a middle-class tax windfall.

He’s been coaching other Republican lawmakers to sell the $1.5 trillion tax cut to voters, and telling people on Twitter to check their paychecks for wage hikes. The bill — which was deeply unpopular when it passed along party lines in December — is now breaking even in a new opinion poll.

So Saturday morning, by way of good news, Ryan’s Twitter account shared a story about a secretary taking home a cool $6 a month in tax savings.

Here is the passage in the Associated Press:

Julia Ketchum, a secretary at a public high school in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, said she was pleasantly surprised her pay went up $1.50 a week. She didn’t think her pay would go up at all, let alone this soon. That adds up to $78 a year, which she said will more than cover her Costco membership for the year.

The tweet was deleted within hours, probably guaranteeing it will never be forgotten, and leaving people baffled as to why Ryan ever thought it would make a good advertisement for the tax plan’s supposed middle-class benefit.

It’s true that the bill is stingy to people at the bottom of the pay scale. In fact, the average tax break for someone making $25,400 a year or less happens to be $60 — the exact price of a Gold Star Costco membership.

And it’s true that the bill showers money on those in the top income brackets. But between these extremes, millions of workers should see substantial cuts, ranging into the hundreds and thousands of dollars.

For example, the very same AP story Ryan quoted from also cited a care worker in Florida who got an extra $200 in his last paycheck, and a couple in Texas who will save enough to cover the costs of a new baby.

Why the House Speaker decided to highlight Julia Ketchum of Lancaster, Pa., and her $1.50 a week savings, the world may never know.

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Paul Ryan deleted his embarrassing tweet of a blatant admission because he and Republicans don’t want you to know the truth: the is a gift to corporate America and the top 1% at your expense.

He also doesn’t want you to know he got $500.000.00 from the Koch family.

Neither Ryan’s office nor Ketchum could be reached for comment. But in an interview with CBS News, the school secretary wondered why Ryan had chosen her anecdote of all possible examples. “He may not have read the whole article,” she said.

Not that hundreds of people dragging Ryan over his tweet seem that interested in finding out. The most common responses can be placed into three neat categories, below:

Open mockery of Ryan

Charles, a Koch brother in Wichita, said he was pleasantly surprised that his pay went up $26,923,076 a week… he said [that] will more than cover the cost of buying several more Paul Ryans.

PAUL RYAN: The intern who did the bad tweet has been fired, which is a shame because his paycheck recently went up $0.07 per week under our tax plan

AIDE: mr ryan ppl are saying ur only working to help the billionaires. they say you hate everyone who isn’t rich

PAUL RYAN: oh yeah? well I’ll show them *chucks a handful of loose nickels at the back of a teachers head*

Posting illustrations of how little money $1.50 is

There are more like this, but you get the idea.

Comparing $1.50 to large amounts of money in the same tax bill, and not in a good way

While it’s hard to be sure, since President Trump refuses to release his income tax records, The Washington Post has written that he stands to save millions of dollars through the bill he promoted and signed.

Millions of dollars compares very favorably against $1.50 a week, as people on Twitter are now discovering.

Good news! The tax cut that delivered tens of millions in benefits to and other millionaires is panning out to an extra $1.50 EVERY WEEK for the working class. 

Paul Ryan claims woman thanked him for $1.50 a week extra in paycheck. – The Trump Impeachment

Remember, Ryan is also the guy who got busted drinking $350 bottles of wine with his lobbyist friends. When queried by a reporter one table over, Ryan said: “I didn’t order – they ordered,” Ryan told…

Likewise $1.50 vs. $500,000 — the latter amount being what GOP financier Charles Koch and his wife reported donated to Ryan’s fundraising committee days after the tax bill passed.

How many $1.50’s does it take to add up to the $500,000 payoff you got from the Koch Brothers days after passing the tax scam @SpeakerRyan ? Have you no soul? 

Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin at the Capitol last month. Mr. Ryan deleted a Twitter post after lawmakers and social media users criticized him for appearing out of touch.

Paul Ryan Deletes Tweet Lauding a $1.50 Benefit From the New Tax Law

Democrats said the speaker’s Twitter post showed that he was out of touch.

Finally, $1.50 compared poorly against the untold government programs, staff or resources that will have to be cut in the future to pay for those hundreds of thousands of dollars in savings.

That extra $1.50 Paul Ryan gave me a week in 2018 was totally worth giving up my mom’s Medicaid.

– A voter Paul Ryan keeps imagining he’ll meet

All of which is to say that even if Ryan’s tweet was only up for a few hours, jokes aside, it could end up haunting Republicans in the November election. House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi — among others in her party — have already figured this out:

The economy is not the stock market. It’s not the unemployment rate. And it’s not GDP. It’s you. And if you’re only getting $1.50 a week from the , it’s not working for you. cc: @SpeakerRyan

This story has been updated.

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