Paul Ryan celebrated the tax cut with a tweet about a secretary saving $1.50 a week

The following article by Avi Selk was posted on the Washington Post website February 4, 2018:

House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) touted the new GOP tax reform law and outlined his party’s agenda ahead of the new year. (Reuters)

Never mind all the Democrats who call the GOP’s tax bill a deficit-busting giveaway to the rich; House Speaker Paul D. Ryan has been enthusiastically promoting it as a middle-class tax windfall.

He’s been coaching other Republican lawmakers to sell the $1.5 trillion tax cut to voters, and telling people on Twitter to check their paychecks for wage hikes. The bill — which was deeply unpopular when it passed along party lines in December — is now breaking even in a new opinion poll. Continue reading “Paul Ryan celebrated the tax cut with a tweet about a secretary saving $1.50 a week”