Paulsen’s polls are limited in scope

I received Congressman Erik Paulsen’s most recent Paulsen Post (April 29) in my inbox Monday morning. In it were the results of a poll given during one of his “telephone townhalls,” which aren’t townhalls at all, by the way, but I digress. The poll was this:

“Do you believe Independent Counsel Robert Mueller should be able to complete his investigation?”

  • 60 percent Yes
  • 17 percent No
  • 23 percent Undecided

Because I have never been given the opportunity to participate in one of Paulsen’s undemocratic telephone townhalls, despite my being a constituent of Minnesota Congressional District 3, my position doesn’t get registered. My vote doesn’t get counted in his “results.” Shouldn’t any constituent who wants to get to participate Paulsen’s polls and “telephone townhalls” for that matter? Why aren’t the polls open to the entire 3rd District public? Congressman Paulsen’s lack of transparency on all fronts is incredibly disturbing and renders him an untrustworthy representative.

Laura Brubaker, Eden Prairie
Eden Prairie News website, May 6, 2018