Pro-Paulsen Television Ad Info

There’s an ad appearing on television these days that’s touting how wonderful the GOP tax cut (for the rich) is for everyone, how we should thank Rep. Erik Paulsen for voting FOR the bill and how big, bad, nasty Nancy Pelosi wants to take the tons of money the tax cut bill puts in Middle Class Minnesotans’ pockets.

What’s the reality?

Who Paid for this Ad?

First, the ad is produced and paid for by CFL. Want to know who that organization is?  It’s a super PAC aligned with House Republican leadership.

Here’s a link to an article in Roll Call talking about the media buy.

What’s the actual impact on the people of Rep. Paulsen’s district?

The chart at the top of this article comes from an article in the Star Tribune.  Here’s a link to the complete article.

How does the tax cut bill Rep. Paulsen vote for impact income inequality?

Before the passage of this $1.4 trillion (yes, with a “t’) tax cut bill, the richest 1% of Americans owned 40 percent of the country’s wealth.  After the passage of this bill, in 2018 the 670,000 households earning over $1 million will benefit more than the 113 million making under $75,000.

You can read more to an article in the Atlantic that walks through this complete with charts.

The bottom line?

House Republicans are telling people anything they think they can get away with to have voters keep vulnerable representatives like Erik Paulsen in office to protect their majority and power to protect themselves.