Rep. Michael Nelson (HD40A) Update: April 17, 2019

A Capitol update is available in Hmong here, Somali here, and Spanish here.


This week we are on a legislative break, a time for House and Senate members to spend time in our districts with constituents as we observe Easter/Passover. Here’s an update on the progress we’ve made in the legislative session so far.

Committees have been meeting to put together our budgets. As chair of the State Government committee, I put together a budget that will make our elections more secure and accessible, and ensure a complete and accurate census count. Minnesota consistently leads the nation in voter participation and we stand on a long history of ensuring every Minnesotan is included and counted. Our proposal reflects a continued commitment to uphold those values.

Our Republican-led Senate, however, has other plans. I have continued discussing with them the need to allocate the full amount of money the Federal government gave us to secure our elections. They agreed in the beginning of session that this was important, and are now using it as a bargaining chip.

Investing in Education
The House education plan, released last week, would increase revenue from corporations to lower taxes for families and individuals while also increasing investments in education. Three quarters of the new revenue will go toward E-12 education, with the remaining fourth going toward freezing tuition for Minnesota students for two years.

Minnesotans have been telling the Legislature for years that the state’s commitment to our schools has not kept pace with inflation, leading to layoffs and local referendums for property taxpayers to fund just the basics. By targeting corporate tax havens and making sure big corporations pay their fair share, the investments in our schools that Minnesotans want are possible.

Distracted Driving 
Distracted driving is on the rise – it’s a factor in one in four crashes and contributes to 59 deaths and 223 serious injuries annually in Minnesota. Democrats and Republicans worked together last week to pass a bill to increase drivers’ safety. There are a lot of distractions out on the roads, and our cell phones are a constant cause of accidents and distraction.

I proudly voted for this bill that will make our roads safer by requiring Minnesotans to put down their phones and focus on the road – and on Friday the Governor signed the hands-free bill into law.

Legislative Updates Now Available in Non-English Languages
The House DFL is committed to improving everyone’s accessibility to the Legislature, no matter where you live, or what language you speak. That’s why legislative updates are now available for non-English speakers.
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As always, please reach out if there’s anything I can do for you. Have a great week!

Rep. Michael V. Nelson