Spreading conspiracy theories in letter

Congressman Erik Paulsen is misrepresenting himself to his constituents, and it is unacceptable.  He wrote a commentary in the Chaska Herald last week, June 1, titled “Government can do better for veterans.”

In this article he discusses various “bipartisan” actions he is taking and also expressed concern for the number of veterans facing unemployment.

Yet, Paulsen voted for the American Health Care Act which, if put into law, would actually hurt our veterans.  The cuts to Medicaid alone would affect nearly one out of 10 veterans, according to Families USA.

When it comes to the environment, Paulsen voted against protecting our streams and rivers yet posts pictures enjoying the Boundary Waters as if he is a steward of the environment. He is not, according to the “National Environmental Scorecard,” by the League of Conservation Voters.

Most recently he is spreading conspiracy theories in a letter to supporters from his campaign group “Friends of Erik Paulsen.” He referred to his constituents that do not agree with him as “boots on the ground” and “trp;;s.”

In the same letter he referred to the facts from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) as “wild accusations.”  I am not “boots on the ground,” and I find this desperate attempt on his part insulting.

Don’t listen to what Erik Paulsen says, but look at what he does.  That is where you will find the truth.  2018 can’t come soon enough.

Tracy Leggett, Chaska
Chaska Herald, June 8, 2017