House DFL Team: One Year Later

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One year ago today George Floyd was murdered by a Minneapolis police officer. The guilty verdicts delivered earlier this spring are a step toward justice, but there is a long way to go to provide true public safety and justice for all. 

Last year the Legislature, led by the People of Color and Indigenous Caucus, passed the Minnesota Police Accountability Act of 2020 which included a ban on chokeholds, use of force reforms, and mental health training amongst other critical reforms. This was a good first step, but more needs to be done.

 No matter where we were born, how we pray, or what we look like, every Minnesotan deserves to make it home at the end of the day. George Floyd, Daunte Wright, and so many others should still be alive.  

While we can’t bring George Floyd back, we can honor his memory by continuing the fight for justice and accountability. 

Rep. Dean Phillips (CD3) Statement on the Anniversary of George Floyd’s Death

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WASHINGTON, DC ― Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) released the following statement on the anniversary of George Floyd’s death, as police reform negotiations continue, led by a bipartisan group of lawmakers that includes Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA), Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) and Rep. Phillips’s colleagues on the Problem Solvers Caucus:

“It was one year ago, today. George Floyd’s murder finally forced our country to acknowledge and confront the systemic racism that has ended too many Black lives and dreams. And while progress is being made, justice and opportunity for all requires a collective commitment. As we stand at the cusp of a bipartisan agreement on policing reforms to ensure accountability and enhance safety for all Americans, I urge President Biden and Congressional leaders to choose what is just over what is easy. Inaction is unacceptable, and the time is now.”

DFL Party Statement on the Anniversary of the Death of George Floyd

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Saint Paul, Minnesota – Today, Minnesota DFL Party Chairman Ken Martin released the following statement on the anniversary of the death of George Floyd:

“One year ago today, George Floyd was slowly and agonizingly murdered under the knee of then-Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin. George Floyd didn’t ask to be a symbol and he didn’t ask to give his life to motivate a mass movement, he just wanted to be able to breathe and we failed him.

“While Floyd’s killer has been brought to justice, that is not nearly enough. We cannot content ourselves with justice after the fact because that leaves in place the unjust systems that brought about George Floyd’s death in the first place. We must make real, durable, and systemic change to protect Black lives in Minnesota and across America. I urge Congress to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act and I urge Minnesota lawmakers to build on last year’s work by passing the police reform measures put forward by House DFLers. Failing to act is simply not an option.”

POCI Caucus Statement on the Anniversary of the Murder of George Floyd

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Saint Paul, Minnesota — Today, May 25, is the first anniversary of the murder of George Floyd. The Minnesota People of Color and Indigenous (POCI) Caucus released the following statement:

“We must ask ourselves: What has truly changed since last year? The fact remains that another name continues to replace George Floyd. Black men are still dying at the hands of law enforcement. Trust between our communities of color and police remains at record lows. BIPOC communities still do not feel that police keep them safe. Republican colleagues continue to devalue our lived experience and the experience of our communities as they use our calls for change as bargaining chips to secure tax cuts for the wealthy.

“Yet, we know we can never return to a world before the murder of George Floyd, our mindset on how our communities are affected by police and what role they play in our safety has permanently shifted. Whether this is a true sea change that will impact our entire nation remains to be seen. While the murderer was held accountable, and we managed to pass a modicum of police accountability legislation last year, we are meeting increased resistance from the status quo against our calls for more significant reforms.

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