Internet privacy measure removed as lawmakers debate budget

The following article by Erin Golden was posted on the Star Tribune website May 2, 2017:

Both Senate and House had given overwhelming support to the legislation.

An internet privacy measure that won broad backing from Minnesota lawmakers has been yanked from consideration at the Capitol with little explanation.

The provision had been crafted in response to a recent action by the U.S. Congress and President Donald Trump to loosen online privacy regulations, potentially opening the door for internet service providers to sell the browsing data of customers. It would have prohibited internet providers in Minnesota from collecting personal information without permission from customers.

The state Senate approved the measure by a 66-1 vote in March, attaching it to a broader spending bill covering state jobs, commerce and energy programs. The House also approved a similar measure as part of its own jobs budget bill. Continue reading “Internet privacy measure removed as lawmakers debate budget”

Congress just made it easier for ISPs to sell your personal information

The commentary by the Editorial Board to the Star Tribune was posted March 31, 2017.  We wanted to make certain the people in CD3 are aware of this vote, and the fact that Rep. Erik Paulsen voted for the bill, for allowing internet providers to sell our personal information without asking us:

Before the public could even figure out what was happening, the Republican-led U.S. House and Senate acted with uncharacteristic speed to repeal Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules that would have protected consumers’ personal information from the all-seeing eyes of their internet service providers, or ISPs.

While health care, the budget, climate change, the deficit and countless other issues linger, Republicans moved in quick lock-step to ensure that provider giants Comcast, Verizon, AT&T and others can collect your most personal information without permission and then profit from its sale to third parties if they choose. Continue reading “Congress just made it easier for ISPs to sell your personal information”

Selling Out Consumers

For the record, Rep. Erik Paulsen voted for allow the sale of this information.

The following article by Ernesto Falcon and Karen Gullo was posted on the U.S. News and World Report website March 31, 2017:

Congress sold Americans’ privacy to already wealthy internet providers.

Congress’ vote to roll back vital broadband privacy protections opens the door to a host of opportunities for your internet service provider to profit from invading your privacy. Continue reading “Selling Out Consumers”