Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport will require travelers to wear masks

Also included will be shuttles, trams, parking.

Travelers at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport will be required to wear masks while in terminals and other airport facilities starting Monday.

The rule aimed at helping to slow the spread of COVID-19 comes as several major U.S. airlines already require travelers to wear masks on flights. The Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) approved the regulation Monday, joining other airports that require passengers to wear masks, including Chicago’s O’Hare and Midway airports, Denver, Dallas-Fort Worth, Los Angeles, Seattle, Detroit, San Francisco, Miami and Phoenix.

“It’s time for us to make face masks mandatory at MSP, and it’s consistent with our goal that we want to have the safest possible airport,” said MAC Chairman Rick King. “It’s a simple straightforward way to cut down on the spread of the virus.”

Senators call for more TSA screeners at Minneapolis-St. Paul airport

Construction aggravated an existing problem at the main terminal, they said.

Long se­curi­ty lines at the Min­ne­ap­olis-St. Paul International Airport’s main ter­mi­nal prompt­ed Min­ne­so­ta’s two U.S. sena­tors on Wednesday to call for ad­di­tion­al staff­ing from the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).

On Mon­day, the Metropolitan Air­ports Commission (MAC) launched a tem­po­rary reconfiguration of two se­curi­ty check­points in the tick­et­ing lob­by of Ter­mi­nal 1, also known as the Lind­bergh ter­mi­nal. The new sys­tem prompted by a con­struc­tion pro­ject has cre­at­ed long lines, con­fu­sion and out­rage a­mong pas­sen­gers this week.

But Sen. Amy Klobuchar and Sen. Tina Smith, both D-Minn., said the con­struc­tion ex­ac­er­bat­es an al­read­y fes­ter­ing problem: TSA staff­ing has not kept up with the growth of pas­sen­gers fly­ing from MSP.

View the complete August 22 article by Janet Moore on The Star Tribune website here.