Senators call for more TSA screeners at Minneapolis-St. Paul airport

Construction aggravated an existing problem at the main terminal, they said.

Long se­curi­ty lines at the Min­ne­ap­olis-St. Paul International Airport’s main ter­mi­nal prompt­ed Min­ne­so­ta’s two U.S. sena­tors on Wednesday to call for ad­di­tion­al staff­ing from the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).

On Mon­day, the Metropolitan Air­ports Commission (MAC) launched a tem­po­rary reconfiguration of two se­curi­ty check­points in the tick­et­ing lob­by of Ter­mi­nal 1, also known as the Lind­bergh ter­mi­nal. The new sys­tem prompted by a con­struc­tion pro­ject has cre­at­ed long lines, con­fu­sion and out­rage a­mong pas­sen­gers this week.

But Sen. Amy Klobuchar and Sen. Tina Smith, both D-Minn., said the con­struc­tion ex­ac­er­bat­es an al­read­y fes­ter­ing problem: TSA staff­ing has not kept up with the growth of pas­sen­gers fly­ing from MSP.

View the complete August 22 article by Janet Moore on The Star Tribune website here.