CNN’s Blitzer mocks Donald Trump for claim Biden would kill stock market — as Dow hits record high

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CNN host Wolf Blitzer noted that when President Donald Trump was running for president in 2020, he over and over would claim that if Democrats get control the stock market will crash.

Thus far, President Joe Biden has hit two record days at the Dow Jones. It was something that Blitzer couldn’t help but bring up during a panel discussion Wednesday. 

CNN’s Phil Mattingly explained that unlike other stimulus packages, this one was built from the bottom up. Democrats didn’t start with the total amount of money they wanted, they started with the things they wanted in the bill and added them up. Continue reading.

Trump’s Scare Tactics Aren’t Working on Women in the Suburbs

North of Charlotte, N.C., voters of both parties can see through the GOP’s strategy of frightening them about an urban crime wave.

CORNELIUS, N.C. — A few years back, in the middle of the day in the middle of a week in the spring, in the parking garage of an upscale mall in Charlotte half an hour south from her house here in the suburbs, Susan Sandler was attacked. A young Black man in a hoodie hit her in the side of the head as she walked to her car. He knocked her unconscious and dragged her across the concrete, took her purse and her wedding ring and left her with ripped jeans and bleeding knees.

If anybody, I thought, might be receptive to the president’s racially loaded warnings of crime spreading from cities and promises to keep the suburbs safe …

“Um, no,” said Sandler, a Democrat who is 59, white and married to a Republican who voted for Donald Trump in 2016 and will again (she thinks) come November.

“He fuels the fire and wants to make people like me feel like it’s coming this way,” she said Monday. “It’s just Trump’s rhetoric to try to scare people.” Continue reading.

Trump pitches Trump as suburbs’ guardian, foe of climate rules

The president touted moves to cut regulations and said a November loss to Joe Biden would destroy suburban America

For the third time in as many days, President Donald Trump set his sights on a familiar target: regulations.

In a rambling and fear-mongering speech Thursday afternoon at the White House, Trump, fresh from a trip to Atlanta where he unveiled new rules to make construction projects easier to build by limiting the study of their environmental ramifications, touted his administration’s moves to cut regulations. He said his loss at the ballot box in November to former Vice President Joe Biden, the likely Democratic presidential nominee, would destroy suburban America.

“Joe Biden and the radical left want to significantly multiply what they’re doing now,” Trump said of his campaign opponent. “What the end result will be is you will totally destroy the beautiful suburbs,” he said. “Suburbia will be no longer as we know it.” Continue reading.

Trump Fails To Distract Voters With ‘Conspiracy-Theory Laden Stump Speech’

Trump has repeatedly tried and failed to change the conversation ahead of the midterm elections with lies and conspiracies. His “announcement” yesterday was just more of the same. The media and Americans across the country know exactly what Trump’s doing, and they aren’t fooled.

Reporters saw right through Trump’s latest distraction, which was nothing more than a “fear-mongering stump speech.”

Vox: “President Donald Trump got cable news to carry him live and uninterrupted for nearly half an hour from the West Wing Thursday, where he gave what amounted to a fear-mongering stump speech in the final days before the midterm elections.”

Vox’s Laura McGann: “Trump’s giving his conspiracy theory-laden stump speech from the West Wing and it’s being aired on CNN unchallenged.”

Continue reading “Trump Fails To Distract Voters With ‘Conspiracy-Theory Laden Stump Speech’”

Fact from fiction: What you should know about the migrant caravan making its way to the U.S. border

“There are only two forces driving them: hunger and death.”

Honduran migrants in a new caravan heading to the US with Honduran and Guatemalan national flags Credit:  Orlando Estrada, AFP via Getty Images

As many as 7,000 Central Americans are making their way to the U.S.-Mexico border, and along with them are a wealth of misinformation and conspiracy theories regarding their motives and character.

While this isn’t the first migrant caravan to make its way to the U.S.-Mexico border under the Trump administration, it is the largest — and with midterm elections only two weeks away, this one has elicited the most strident response from Republicans and the White House, who are leaning on the caravan to stoke anti-immigrant fears in the minds of voters.

To clear the air, here’s what you should know about the caravan itself, and the people in it who have left everything behind in search of a better life.

View the complete October 23 article by Luke Barnes and Rebekah Entralgo on the website here.

If G.O.P. Loses Hold on Congress, Trump Warns, Democrats Will Enact Change ‘Quickly and Violently’

The following article by Michael D. Shear was posted on the New York Times website August 28, 2018:

President Trump during a prayer at a dinner for evangelical leadership in the State Dining Room of the White House. Credit: Doug Mills,The New York Times

WASHINGTON — President Trump warned evangelical leaders Monday night that Democrats “will overturn everything that we’ve done and they’ll do it quickly and violently” if Republicans lose control of Congress in the midterm elections.

Speaking to the group in the State Dining Room of the White House, Mr. Trump painted a stark picture of what losing the majority would mean for the administration’s conservative agenda, according to an audiotape of his remarks provided to The New York Times by someone who attended the event.

“They will end everything immediately,” Mr. Trump said. “When you look at antifa,” he added, a term that describes militant leftist groups, “and you look at some of these groups, these are violent people.”

View the complete article here.