Trump Fails To Distract Voters With ‘Conspiracy-Theory Laden Stump Speech’

Trump has repeatedly tried and failed to change the conversation ahead of the midterm elections with lies and conspiracies. His “announcement” yesterday was just more of the same. The media and Americans across the country know exactly what Trump’s doing, and they aren’t fooled.

Reporters saw right through Trump’s latest distraction, which was nothing more than a “fear-mongering stump speech.”

Vox: “President Donald Trump got cable news to carry him live and uninterrupted for nearly half an hour from the West Wing Thursday, where he gave what amounted to a fear-mongering stump speech in the final days before the midterm elections.”

Vox’s Laura McGann: “Trump’s giving his conspiracy theory-laden stump speech from the West Wing and it’s being aired on CNN unchallenged.”

Politico’s Ben White: “I assume at some point he is winding around to an asylum proposal. But thus far Trump has offered false statements and fear mongering manipulation.

New York Times Fact Checker: “Trump’s Falsehood-Laden Speech on Immigration”

Daily Beast’s Marlow Stern: “such little truth in this trump speech, as per usual”

Bloomberg: “In a speech at the White House on Thursday, Trump ratcheted up his attacks on the migrants, insisting without evidence that the impoverished families walking toward the U.S. are violent invaders who will endanger Americans’ safety if they’re allowed into the country.”

Washington Post: “President Trump, joined by many Republican candidates, is dramatically escalating his efforts to take advantage of racial divisions and cultural fears in the final days of the midterm campaign, part of an overt attempt to rally white supporters to the polls and preserve the GOP’s congressional majorities.”

New York Times: “In a rambling speech on Thursday afternoon that was riddled with falsehoods and vague promises to confront a ‘crisis’ at the border, Mr. Trump used the official backdrop of the White House to step up his efforts to demonize a caravan of Central Americans that has been making its way through Mexico, assail Democrats, and promote a vision of a United States that would be better off with fewer immigrants.”