We want voter-centered representation

To the Editor:

Since my first vote in 1972, I’ve witnessed money increasingly erode our democracy. This year I’m relieved to see so much excitement for Dean Phillips. His decision to refuse PAC or special interest money recently made the New York Times. Phillips knows we must restrain the use of “big money” (set loose by the Citizens United decision) in order to bring back balance and accountability to our government.

The Minnesota Way Pledge proposed by Phillips included the People’s Pledge, which works to limit negative, personal attack ads. Incumbent Paulsen suggested this in 2016; in 2018 he’s no longer interested. By agreeing, he could have spared Minnesota much mudslinging by outside groups. Instead, Paulsen chose to keep his big money contributions.

Constituents are eager for a candidate who will be responsive to voters because that candidate chose to fund his campaign the Minnesota Way – no money from PACs, Federal lobbyists or Congress members. Many Third District folks support Dean Phillips with their small dollar contributions. They also proudly march with Phillips at local parades as well as phone bank, door knock and more.

Dean Phillips, his campaign staff and his many volunteers work tirelessly to win with integrity. The goal is voter-centered representation. Voters everywhere are demanding just that. Thanks to the NY Times for recognizing what we voters want and to candidates like Dean Phillips who are leading the way.

Clara McIver, Plymouth<
Plymouth Sun-Sailor, August 21, 2018