Congress just made it easier for ISPs to sell your personal information

The commentary by the Editorial Board to the Star Tribune was posted March 31, 2017.  We wanted to make certain the people in CD3 are aware of this vote, and the fact that Rep. Erik Paulsen voted for the bill, for allowing internet providers to sell our personal information without asking us:

Before the public could even figure out what was happening, the Republican-led U.S. House and Senate acted with uncharacteristic speed to repeal Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules that would have protected consumers’ personal information from the all-seeing eyes of their internet service providers, or ISPs.

While health care, the budget, climate change, the deficit and countless other issues linger, Republicans moved in quick lock-step to ensure that provider giants Comcast, Verizon, AT&T and others can collect your most personal information without permission and then profit from its sale to third parties if they choose. Continue reading “Congress just made it easier for ISPs to sell your personal information”

Selling Out Consumers

For the record, Rep. Erik Paulsen voted for allow the sale of this information.

The following article by Ernesto Falcon and Karen Gullo was posted on the U.S. News and World Report website March 31, 2017:

Congress sold Americans’ privacy to already wealthy internet providers.

Congress’ vote to roll back vital broadband privacy protections opens the door to a host of opportunities for your internet service provider to profit from invading your privacy. Continue reading “Selling Out Consumers”

No Meaningful Comment from Rep. Paulsen

The following letter to the editor was submitted to the Minneapolis Star Tribune February 19, 2017, but not published:

This newspaper’s effort to solicit meaningful comment from Congressman Paulsen (February 17, A Taxing Challenge for Paulsen) was disappointing. It failed to substantively illuminate the congressman’s ‘big’ goals, challenge his misplaced loyalties, and contest his doublespeak. Most troubling though was allowing Paulsen to rewrite history.

The opening sentence states that ideal circumstances are at last in place for Paulsen “to finally accomplish the big goals that have driven his political career.” And his goals are … ? After 8 years, his district is still trying to learn what his ‘big goals’ are. His struggle with ‘juggling the polarizing priorities’ of the President, party loyalty, current roommate, and big businesses may generate sympathy, but not from constituents that he was elected to represent. Paulsen’s expressed support for “increased tariffs and border taxes” on one hand and support for free-trade policies on the other was doublespeak. The article failed to call him on this dichotomy. Dual positions may serve his multiple masters but not his district. Continue reading “No Meaningful Comment from Rep. Paulsen”

Our Thoughts on Rep. Paulsen and Trump Lavish Travel on Public Tab

As we learned last October, 2016, President Trump will not be paying taxes for almost 20 years. He also will not release his tax returns.  Yet, those of us who do pay taxes will be paying hundreds of millions of dollars for the security and travel of his extended family, with some of that flowing right back into Trumps’ own pockets.  Trump expenses in just one year are expected to be double what Obama’s were in all eight years combined.

By tolerating President Trump’s existing conflicts of interest in his businesses, we encourage further conflicts, hurting all Americans financially and morally. We urge our “so called” fiscally conservative elected Republicans including Congressman Paulsen, as well as the working class supporters of Trump to please stand up to “King” Trump.   

These 23 Republicans Passed on a Chance to Get Trump’s Tax Returns

The following article by Conor Friedersdorf was posted on the Atlantic website February 15, 2017:

Congress has a duty to make sure President Trump isn’t selling out the United States. These legislators are in more active dereliction of that duty than most.

More than 800,000 Americans have signed a petition demanding the release of Donald Trump’s tax returns. Polls show that a majority of the country wants to see the documents.

On April 15, tens of thousands plan to take to the streets in protest of the president’s refusal to release his tax returns to the public. Some worry Trump is hiding financial ties to Russia. Others want to understand all the conflicts of interest that flow from his failure to divest from his business interests. Twenty thousand people say they’re going to a Los Angeles protest. Eleven thousand are signed up to attend in New York City. Folks will protest in Boise, Indianapolis, St. Louis, Raleigh, Pittsburgh, Knoxville, Salt Lake City, and other municipalities throughout the U.S. Continue reading “These 23 Republicans Passed on a Chance to Get Trump’s Tax Returns”

Behind the online community organizing protests against Trump

From CBS Evening News: